The Eastern White Pine Tree (Pinus Strobas) is a hardy, valuable tree with clustered soft blue-green needles. They can make extremely ideal screens or windbreakers. Many people around the world use them as Christmas trees. Eastern white pine seeds are favored by black bears, rabbits, red squirrels and many birds, especially red crossbills. While potentially damaging to the trees, the bark is eaten by mammals such as beavers, snowshoe hares, porcupines, rabbits and mice. White pines provide nesting sites as well for many birds including woodpeckers, common grackles, mourning doves, chickadees and nuthatches. Grows 50' to 80' with a 20-40' spread in the landscape, up to 135' or more in the wild.
The eastern white pine grows in acidic, moist, well-drained and dry soils. While it does best in moist soil, the tree can has been known to tolerate everything from dry, rocky ridges to bogs.
What you are purchasing is 1 Eastern White Pine Tree, at a size of your choosing. Handle with care.